How to use utility software to calculate water softener

What is water softener and how does it work? 

Water softeners remove the minerals that create water hardness, one of the most common water quality problems homeowners face. Hard water destroys appliances, leaves soapy residue all over bathrooms and kitchens, and dries hair and skin. Water softener saves you from having to replace prematurely broken water heaters, clogged faucet heads, and hours of cleaning soap scum. Investing in a water softener saves you time, energy and money, and protects your home and property.

A water softener filtration system is an entire home water filtration system that removes the hardness-causing calcium and magnesium minerals from your water through a process known as ion exchange. Water softeners solve one of the most common and devastating water problems: hard water.

So to calculate, design, and choose a water softener filter, based on what? If you are an expert, a technology engineer specializing in calculating and designing water filtration and treatment systems, this is very simple for you. But if you are a user or do not know much about this field, this job becomes extremely complicated and difficult.

Originating from this dilemma, Song Phung Water Equipment wants to create an extremely simple small utility for you to use as a basis for designing and selecting water softening equipment as quickly as possible.

Instructions for using the water softener system calculation utility by pictures  

Calculator utility interface:

Softener Calculator

Input Data

Choose 1 or 2 to start calculate

Calcium content Ca2+ mg/l
Magesium content Mg2+ mg/l
Or fill in total hardness here mg/l CaCO3
Softerner flowrate m3/h
Operation time
(Total cycle time)
Fill in height of ion exchange resin
(From 600mm to 2600mm, normally from 800mm to 1500mm)


Water indicator Water indicator
Total water volume in cycle 0 m3/Cycle
Total hardness removed 0 Kg Grains/Cycle
Ion exchange resin volume needed 0 L
Filter diameter vessel 0 m
Filtration velocity 0 m3/m2.h
Recommended Brine Tank Volume Size 0 L
Salt need for regeneration in one cycle 0 Kg

Step 1: You will choose to enter data in 1 of 2 templates:

  • If you have information about the content of Ca2+ and Mg2+, then you choose template 1, then template 2 will automatically disable input and only display the calculation results of the total hardness through the 2 ions above.
  • If you only have information about total hardness content, then you choose template number 2 to enter it

After entering the information in step 1, the column on the right that returns the results will determine what kind of water hardness is

Step 2: enter the capacity of the softener system, unit is m3/h

Step 3: enter the operation time in a cycle.

Specifically, if you want the system to run 24 hours then regenerate, you enter the number 24, if you want the system to run for 48 hours then regenerate, enter 48, …… The larger the number of hours, the more resin are used, the more the filter vessel will be big

Step 4: enter height of resin layer.

Depending on the filter vessel available or fabricate, you choose the appropriate height of the resin layer. For example, a filter vessel with a diameter of less than 350mm normally should choose a resin height of less than 900mm, a filter vessel with a diameter of over 600mm can choose a resin height of more than 1200mm. Basically the higher of the resin layer, the better

Examples of data entry are in the following table

Utility software for water softener calculator

On the right is the result column

  • Water indicator (Conclusion water type): soft water or hard water. According to the table above, the result is very hard water
  • Total water volume in cycle: is based on filter capacity and cycle time. According to the above table, 20m3 of water after softening will proceed to start regenerate with salt
  • Total hardness removed (Total exchange capacity): Kg Grains/cycle. You don’t have to worry about this
  • Ion exchange resin needed: Is the total amount of ion exchange resin into the filter tank, the result is 82.83 Liters, 85 Liters of ion exchange resin can be selected.
  • Filter diameter vessel: Output 0.34m, can choose filter vessel diameter D350mm corresponding to filter tank model 1465 Chihon FRP
  • Recommended brine tank volume size: 99L, can choose 100L salt tank capacity
  • Salt need for regeneration in one cycle: is the minimum amount of salt needed for one regeneration. The result is 10kg of pure salt tablets

The calculation of the water softener system also depends on many other parameters such as: exchange capacity of resin, type of regeneration salt, height of resin layer, input water pH, and other contaminants attached to  the surface of resin such as Fe, Manganese,…

If you have any questions about how to calculate the water softener, please contact our Sales department for more detailed instructions.

Any questions you can contact directly:

Song Phung Environmental Trading Service Co., Ltd

Zalo Business



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